


基本介绍书名:单词网:雅思单词速记出版社:天津大学出版社页数:436页开本:16定价:29.00作者:李健 王雪出版日期:2012年2月1日语种:简体中文, 英语ISBN:9787561842041, 756184204X品牌:天津大学出版社 内容简介《单词网:雅思单词速记》是单词王网的力作,经过多年的苦心研究,图解词根形成规律,摒弃了那种过分夸大某种单词记忆方法的功效、生搬硬套的做法,将多种方法科学地结合起来,为每个单词找到一个最适合的记忆方法,彻底解决广大读者雅思单词记忆的难题。在编写过程中查阅了大量的词源字典,对同源词进行科学的解释。图书目录act ac add aesth ago agriculture air Albania alg amb AmorCupid ample Anderson animal ann anth aqu ark arm ash audi August av ball bang bar bat be beauty,BELLE Bellona,Mars bid birth bit Blake blow body ben break brief bright broadcast Brooks Brutal Ca call can cap cap card care cain car carrot Car cascade cave ced Celest Cens center cert chair champagne chang chess choler cit city Clark class clear climb close code cold com common computer corn cook coin count country courage court cover create cred crep Cronus cross crown cry cyber cyc damage day deal December decide Democracy Dexter,Sinister diet dit doctor dots drag drama drive dry during dyn Easter eat educate empty England eraser err Esse estim ever exit experiment Faber face factory fall family fast father fee fend finish fish five fix Flame fleet flow flower food foot,pioneer forest found free,Frank fresh front fruit fry fug full function fuS gage gas Gea gene host glass glob glyc Grace grade grain Grammy grandfather Greg,gatber guard gurgle Hamburg happy have heir her herb Hilary history hold hole home hope her hour house Hydra idea ID image in, out, ex ipad island it jet join joke judge Juno Moneta know labour lace lake language lave lay lecture leg lethe letter lieu lift line liqu list li lobby long lose lot love lubr Lyre machine male mama map mark Matin may meal meet mend mentor Mercury merge metal meter middle migr milit milk Mnemosyne mole monday mother mountain mouse mouth move multi Muse name narrow nation Nemesis nervous net Netherlands muter new no normal nose nounc Nox nude Nurilite o odd oil old one order ori out Oxford page parent parrot people peter Philip Phobia photo physics pi pick picture pile place planet pland play please plenty pocket point poor pot pound power prebend press price Prince probe Psyche pure purse push ut question quit radio rapid reach reciproc rect Rhein ride ripe rise river road Rome round ru rude sacrify salmon same sat save,Sylvia scale school science scut second seed seek see sen sens sert serve set sex shade share sharpe sheep shine shoot short sine sit skin slid slit slue smile Snap society Sol Sony soup speak sphere spir spire spl spoil spond spring spy stand star stark start stick store strap street stroke sugar suicide superman table tacit tail tang telephone temperature terg Terra test text the three thrive through throw tick tie Tim time tin title toilet trill top total tractor trade train train trip triumph triv title tnmk turn tus tut two ump Undine urban use vac value vapor vegetable venge vers very vestig visit volt wade want waste way weal went whole wife wild will win wind wine work world WOWO wrong zeal Zeus 单词巧记 单词索引
